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Garage Sale Registration Closes June 2!

The deadline to register your Fence Fundraiser garage sale is this Monday! We don't want anyone to miss out on the opportunity to win a trip to Ghana, so make sure you talk to your friends and family and set a date for your amazing event. Register this weekend - all...

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Students fight human trafficking with spare change

Every little bit helps. One sixth grade science class in Carrolton, Texas, took that phrase to heart and raised $154.34 in just two months to help the children cared for by Touch A Life Foundation. Their teacher, Mr. Allen Kernion, spearheaded the fundraising drive...

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When Albert Grows Up

Meet Albert! Albert is a vibrant young man who is very social and has lots of friends. He enjoys going to school, mostly because he loves to read and learn! He always asks for new books. Albert enjoys riding his bike, playing soccer and dancing outside with his...

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The Sound of Adoption

For four years, Dawn-Marie Bass and her husband, Andy, prayed for the missing piece of their family. With a daughter adopted from India, and two biological children, the Bass family was certainly full, but they could not shake the sense that there was another child...

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When Isaac Grows Up

Meet Isaac! Isaac is constantly smiling - he has a bright, sunny disposition and his joy is contagious. Isaac loves being around people and having conversations about life. He also loves getting his picture taken and he is fascinated with cameras. Isaac likes to read...

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Electronic Medical Records System Designed for Care Center

At the core of their business, Ontarget wants to give back. By using their skills as a digital marketing agency, they strive to help in any way possible. When Terry Oehrke, CEO of Ontarget, heard about Touch A Life's need for a new Electronic Medical Record (EMR)...

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Celebrate Independence

March 6th is recognized as Ghana's Independence Day. In 1957, the Ghanaian people celebrated the end of colonial rule in their country, as they were the first nation in sub-saharan Africa to do so. On their very first Independence Day, Queen Elizabeth of England sent...

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Class assignment sheds light on modern-day slavery

When Blair Burney was asked to represent a non-profit organization as a project in her Public Relations Writing class, she realized she was given a great opportunity. Rather than simply complete the assignment with a random organization, Blair decided to use her class...

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