Dentist Check Ups for the TAL Kids

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For the past three years, our wonderful friends Jamie and Lauren Burton have made an annual trip to the Touch A Life Care Center in Ghana. Jamie is a dentist outside of Nashville, TN, and serves as the regular dentist for all 76 Touch A Life kids!




This summer the Burtons once again returned to Ghana, along with a group of teenagers and parents from their church, Harpeth Hills. The dentist exam room was set up in one of the large dorm rooms, and each child received a dental exam. All of our older kids received a glowing report – they’ve been keeping up with their brushing and there was only one cavity in the bunch! And some of the older kids also volunteered to help hold flashlights and wash instruments to experience what it was like to be a dentist.





The youngest Touch A Life kids, who were rescued within the last ten months, saw Dr. Burton for the first time! He examined each of them, and though he saw quite a few cavities, he recommended not filling them all since most were baby teeth. He expects that their adult teeth will be healthy due to the low-sugar, balanced diet that the children eat at the Care Center.






We are very thankful for volunteers like Dr. Burton and his assistants, Morgan Jafari and Emily Parrott, who travel and share their expertise where it is needed most.



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