The children of Touch A Life are quickly becoming young adults and we could not be more proud of all they are accomplishing as they continue their educational and vocational pursuits.
As these children are getting older, they have more access to the Internet and social media. In an effort to protect and guide the children in our care, we feel it is necessary to frequently reevaluate our Social Media and Technology Policies, implementing healthy boundaries to keep the children, our staff, the organization, and you, our valued supporters, safe and happy.
While we are all thrilled that the children are able to use technology to learn and grow, we’re experiencing the same trepidation all parents do navigating the tricky waters of social media. After reviewing best practices across many non-profit organizations, the children will not be permitted to have connections to donors and supporters through social media platforms. Please understand that this is not a punitive measure, but one that will protect both the children and you, our supporters.
We’re not asking donors to cease communication entirely, but rather to communicate through the Touch A Life office. If you’re interested in sending an email to the students at the Care Center or a specific child you can reach out here.
If you are already friends with the children online, we ask that you unfriend them and don’t respond to future friendship requests. If you do receive requests, please notify Pam Cope so we can take appropriate steps to keep everyone safe. We hope you understand that we are doing our very best to serve as loving guardians as we educate our students on the benefits and dangers of having an online presence.
Our team in Ghana has already communicated this policy to the children. For their part, students will be required to sign a social media and internet safety contract with clearly defined expectations.

Please feel free to contact our staff at info@touchalifekids.org if you have any questions about this policy. Thank you for your understanding!