Young Adults on the Path to Success!

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2020 was a big year, not only globally but for the Touch A Life family as well. In the midst of all of the changes taking place in our daily lives, we have had 27 students graduate from high school. What an accomplishment! They will be joining 10 other students currently attending Ghanian colleges and universities. As they embark on this next journey into adulthood, we asked several university students to reflect on their time and accomplishments thus far as well as their hopes for the future. 

Gideon is completing his junior year at Heritage Christian College, majoring in Business Administration and Finance. When asked about his proudest accomplishments, Gideon shared that he is most proud of coming this far in his education with the help of Touch A Life. In the next 5-10 years, Gideon hopes to be successfully engaged in local politics with the ultimate dream of one day becoming the President of Ghana. He recently received an award as a member of the Youth Leadership Parliamentary. Gideon has also joined the Touch A Life staff as an Executive Assistant, helping to mentor our recent high school graduates as they begin to navigate university life.

“It has been a great motivation to us that even in this COVID-19 era, that our sponsors have been able to stand with us and have not abandoned us…[they] have rallied behind us to see us make a good future. I just wanted to say that we appreciate the effort and we will not disappoint them.”


Stay tuned on our social channels as we share more from our university students.

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