The COVID-19 pandemic has changed life as we know it in so many ways. The regulations on international travel have been constantly changing affecting Touch A Life in the frequency and way that people can visit the Care Center. There have been no groups or international visitors in nearly two years. Our team on the ground in Ghana has done an amazing job, as always, keeping our program running smoothly, but we have been missing the sweet faces of the children and young adults in our care. No one has been missing them more than our Co-Founder, Pam Cope! Used to visiting the Care Center several times each year and going nearly two years without a visit, left her longing to get back. Pam was finally able to travel back to the Care Center for the new year in January. We asked Pam to share a special memory from her recent trip and here’s what she had to say:
I had a tough time deciding what to share about my recent trip to Ghana because every day was pretty magical. All of the college kids were home for the holiday break, and the campus was one continual party of late-night talks, soccer games, and volleyball matches. Nothing brings me more joy than seeing all the kids play in freedom using every inch of the ten acres we own.
Bernard has been our Country Director for eight years and wears many hats managing the organization. But, first and foremost, his most important job is being a father to all of the Touch A Life children. We celebrated Bernard’s birthday while I was there, and definitely, that party was the highlight of my trip.
We all gathered in the art center, and the boys and girls each selected their spokesperson to read their honoring tributes. I was so moved by their words as they eloquently shared why they call him their father. I am so grateful to be working alongside this man of integrity raising these awesome humans. A big shout-out to Peace, who is attending a vocational culinary school proudly showing off her talents.