We are overjoyed to share that one of our amazing college students, Bernard, is the recipient of a small business grant through Heritage Christian College!
Heritage Christian College annually awards students the opportunity to come up with innovative small business ideas in which they can win a grant for start up costs. Students enrolled in various business programs compete in groups and are allowed to pitch their ideas to a panel of internal and external judges who qualify as experts in their various fields of business. The two groups with the best ideas are awarded a cash prize to be used as start-up funds for the business idea they proposed. Bernard, together with three other group members, worked diligently to create their proposed business, Til Farms, with a goal of raising farmed tilapia. The reward of 20,000 Ghana cedis (roughly $3,500 USD) will be used for startup costs for their tilapia farm. As of now, the registration for Til Farms is done and the location has been chosen. The team is hoping to finish with preliminary works and start a trial run soon.

Not only are Touch A Life college students working hard to complete their degrees but they are excelling, and often surpassing, their peers. We couldn’t be more proud of Bernard and his amazing efforts and accomplishments! Join us in congratulating Bernard and his fellow business partners on their achievement and best wishes as they embark on their new business!