Exciting Construction Updates at the Care Center!

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The year 2020, and all of the trials and triumphs that it brought, gave Touch A Life the opportunity to evaluate some of the ways that we can make the Care Center more self-sustaining—as a result, last year’s Back to the Basics campaign was born. So many of you gave generously to support projects like our chicken coop, water filtration system, and improved farming seeds and supplies. The students and staff are already enjoying produce harvested from the farming improvements, and, thanks to you, other projects are well on their way! 

Below you can see the latest photo update of our chicken coop. This chicken coop, with its durable poured concrete floor and brick and stucco walls, will house a flock large enough to provide eggs for everyone living at the Care Center. Interior work and nesting boxes are being purchased to complete the coop for our feathered friends. As the flock grows, it has the potential to become a revenue stream, as we plan to sell eggs to the local community for years to come.

A slab has been poured to provide a protected, level area to house our new water filtration system, eliminating the need to purchase bottled drinking water. Our Ghana Country Director, Bernard, is working with a local organization to get the water filter installed and running soon. 

With the uncertainty that pandemic brings, we found it necessary to store more staples such as rice, oil, cassava, and beans. Below is pictured a container that we are currently converting into a storage facility, “Papa’s Place”. Along with its new base and roof, the container will receive a paint job and custom shelves, making it an economical way to keep supplies dry, organized, and away from wildlife. Papa’s Place is a special Legacy Project engineered by Bud Daneker and his family, friends, and community at Horizon Church in Pennsylvania—thank you, friends, for this incredibly meaningful gesture!

We could not fulfill our mission to rescuerenew, and restore children from slavery to lives of freedom without our supporters—so thank you! All of these improvements would not be possible without you, our willing supporters. Your generous gifts are making the Care Center a more self-sustaining place, providing a safe and secure home for our Touch A Life children. Stay tuned as we continue to brainstorm additional Care Center improvements in the coming months.

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