Meet the Interns: Claire Womack

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Four incredible college students will be traveling to Ghana at the end of May to participate in our inaugural Summer Collegiate Internship Program. Our interns will be staying and working on projects at our Care Center in Ghana for seven weeks, so we asked them to share a bit about their lives and how they are looking forward to their time with the Touch A Life kids.

Next we would like to introduce Claire Womack!


ClaireWomackTell us a little about yourself – the college you attend, your major, any career plans, etc.

My name is Claire Womack and I attend Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama! I am currently a sophomore nursing major on my way to becoming a registered nurse! As of right now my dream job would be to work in the Emergency Department at Children’s Hospital of Alabama, but I also thought I wanted to be a talk show host when I was in high school so who really knows where I’ll end up!


How did you first hear about Touch A Life?

I first heard about Touch A Life when my church’s youth group provided the opportunity for a short term mission trip in 2014. That was my first trip to Ghana, and I have felt a special calling ever since then to go back!


What prompted you to apply for our internship program?

I heard about the internship program through Morgan Booth, and from the time that she first told me about the opportunity until the day that I got the phone call saying that I got the internship, I couldn’t stop thinking and praying about it. It wasn’t necessarily a comfortable feeling, because it’s a scary thought to pick up and move to Africa for seven weeks but it was something that I knew I needed to pursue.


What impacted you the most while you were visiting our Care Center?

Not to sound cliche, but the children that I met at Touch A Life made the biggest impact on me. Their joy-filled spirits and characters leave a large impact that are not easily forgotten. I looked to them as examples as they led by action in their faith on an everyday basis.


What are your goals for your time in Ghana this summer?

I want to not only make an impact while I am there, but I want to leave an impact once I leave. I whole heartedly believe that the children at Touch A Life can be whatever they want to be, whether that be doctors, lawyers, or politicians- they can be anything! I want to make sure that they know they can be whoever they want to be, and that they always have someone who believes in them.


Tell us a little bit about any of your other travels.

I love traveling and being able to see new parts of the world. I’ve been to Ghana, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic on mission trips, and I’ve also been able to visit Costa Rica and Bermuda on school and family trips! I have a lot of other places to visit on my bucket list, but I specifically hope to visit Australia someday soon!!


How has your family and community supported you as you prepare for the internship?

My family and friends have shown nothing but support as I have prepared for this internship, and that is something I am so incredibly thankful for. Whether they have shown support through prayers, donations, or a simple encouraging text message, I have been blown away by the love and support that everyone has exemplified.

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