Mr. Morgan’s Baskets

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Last year we gathered our staff in Ghana and encouraged them to take time to invest in their passions. Ever since, our Care Center has been a flurry of bread baking, carpentry, fabric dyeing, sewing, and, of course, Mr. Morgan and his basket weaving.

Mr. Morgan’s baskets are a labor of love and are stunningly beautiful. If you were able to attend our Art Auction this past fall, you may have been one of a few lucky ones to take one home! He also created large baskets that grace the corners of Bliss Yoga Studio in Accra, Ghana holding colorful rolled mats.

By nbarrett photograpy

By nbarrett photograpy

Seeing their houseparents and other staff members empowered to dream and create leads to our children being inspired to dream and create for themselves. The kids are also exposed to a wide variety of skills as our staff members hone their various crafts.

By nbarrett photography.

By nbarrett photography.


By nbarrett photography.

By nbarrett photography.

What passions do you have tucked away? We’d love to hear about the steps you are taking to turn dreams into reality!

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