Skin Care Classes at the Care Center

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We love hearing stories of how a trip to our Care Center in Ghana made an impact on our volunteers. Today Patty Wolverton, from Genesis Church in Phoenix, is sharing her story of her trip to Ghana during our health fair in August.

My family includes three children – two boys a girl, and we are blessed with three precious grandkids. Since we all live in different states, traveling occupies most of our free time so that we can invest in our family. My husband’s job relocated us to the Phoenix area about ten years ago, which is where we currently reside, although originally, I am from the Seattle area.

Touch A Life was on our radar back in 2007 when our pastor, Pat Stark from Genesis church, traveled to Ghana. It touched my husband and me deeply, learning about the trafficked kids that were fishing, especially since my husband has worked in the seafood industry for years. After hearing about hearing about Touch A Life, we took the first step and started sponsoring a young man at the Care Center named Raul.

This past August, I was able to travel to Ghana myself. Going to the Touch A Life Care Center in Ghana was a highlight of my summer. My first response when asked to go to Ghana was “NO” – I imagined there bugs and illness. But as I started thinking more about what this could mean, I decided to step out and go. Hands down, the best part of the trip was meeting the young man we sponsor, Raul. He was very happy and seems to be thriving. I got to hear the story of his rescue, which was incredible.

Photo by nbarrett photography

Photo by nbarrett photography


One of my other favorite experiences was being a part of the health seminar. I am an aesthetician, specializing in medical aesthetics and laser technology. It’s all about healthy skin in my world. I provide treatments and education to make a difference. As an aesthetician, I taught the kids how to have healthy skin using the local ingredients they have on hand. Being that most of the Touch A Life kids are boys, our group was full of laughter as they put bananas and honey on their faces. On the second of three days, the boys figured out the product was edible and ate my supplies!

Photo by nbarrett photography

Photo by nbarrett photography


Photo by nbarrett photography

Photo by nbarrett photography


Photo by nbarrett photography

Photo by nbarrett photography


I was deeply impressed with Bernard, the Ghana Country Director, and what he is doing to truly rescue the kids. It’s not just about the physical needs, but surrounding them with different avenues of healing, and instilling in them a desire to have a vision. That is what I took home with me; what is my vision?

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