Denise schmitt, financial administrator
Denise Schmitt has been volunteering for Touch A Life since early 2009. She saw a video about TAL’s work at her church and felt called to use her financial and organizational gifts. Since then, she has been involved in various financial day-to-day aspects of TAL. She was surprised that volunteering in an administrative capacity could bring such joy and meaning to her life. She served as the Community Investment Operations Manager at FHLBank of Dallas before recently retiring. Since then, Denise has been able to travel, spend more time with friends, and start playing the great sport of Pickleball.
Emily Goode
Jessica Hooten
Jessica Hooten has had a close relationship with Pam and Randy Cope and Touch a Life since 2008, and made her first trip to Ghana in 2010. Since then, Touch a Life has always held a special place in her heart. Jessica serves as the Digital Engagement Director for The Branch Church, a partner ministry of TAL for more than 15 years. She is an excellent communicator, connector and creator – a caring, and fierce advocate for TAL and the children they rescue. Jessica lives in Dallas, TX with her husband Clay, two children, one dog, and four chickens.
Ashley Myers
Ashley Myers lives in Oklahoma with her husband and two children, soon-to-be three as they are in the process of adopting. She took her first trip to Ghana in 2015 and became passionate about investing in the younger generation as they become the future leaders of their country. In 2018, she was able to work with a group of 20 boys in Ghana that had recently been rescued from forced labor in the fishing industry of Lake Volta, and she felt called to get more involved with changing the future for those children. That’s when she connected with TAL founder, Pam Cope, and traveled with her to the Care Center in 2019. Ashley knows there is an important role that each child at TAL will play in bettering their country and the futures of the generations to come.