The Corn Harvest

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Walking among his newly planted field of corn stalks, Mr. Morgan seems content. It was only six months ago that he and two farmhands planted a hearty variety of corn while a deep drought lingered over West Africa. There was some doubt whether a harvest would come, but conversations of increasing food prices at the market steered the decision — they would plant, pray, and be wise with the water. As Operations Manager and Head Houseparent, providing healthy food for the Touch A Life kids is a top priority for Mr. Morgan. He had a plan.

The corn fields at the Touch A Life Care Center in rural Kumasi, Ghana, are a big step toward making the campus fully sustainable. Corn is a staple in the West African diet — porridge, banku, and other Ghanaian dishes are made from ground corn meal. With over 70 children plus staff at the Care Center, the expense of corn can quickly add up.


After months of watching and waiting, Mr. Morgan stood with amazement at the edge of the corn fields. The yellow corn had survived the drought and produced a bountiful harvest. After the corn was ground and poured into woven bags, the staff found there was more than enough for the Care Center. Mr. Morgan knew quickly what to do with the extra. He sent a truck with several bags of corn meal to another home for trafficked children near Lake Volta to sustain their food during the drought. Thinking about the Bible story of a boy sold into slavery who became a wise ruler during a drought in Egypt, Mr. Morgan smiles and whispers, “You can call me Joseph.”

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