Care Center Visitors

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IMG_1721Last week our children had some special visitors! Becky and Natalie are traveling through Ghana with the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism Mission Board to research various child care centers and orphanages. Touch A Life’s Care Center in Kumasi was at the top of Becky’s list to visit, as she had heard about the long-term care provided to children rescued from trafficking and exploitation.

IMG_1726Becky and Natalie were able to stay in Kumasi for three days, spending time with our kids and talking with our Care Center staff. On Sunday they taught a lesson about putting others before yourself and included a fun craft for all of the kids to create! They talked about the differences between being selfISH and selfLESS, so on their paintings the word “self” is small and “others” is larger.

IMG_1734When we asked Becky about her favorite moments at the Care Center, she said, “When we started the teaching we started out with songs, and when I asked the kids to sing a song they sang Holy Ground, and we really liked that song and the way they sang!”

If you are interested in volunteering with Touch A Life, either in the US or in Ghana, we’d love to talk to you!








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