Photo Essay: School Day

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A typical school day for a Touch A Life child is a far cry from the days of forced labor that shadow the past. Dressed in neat uniforms, carrying school supplies and books in new backpacks, elementary and middle school students spend the day at a private school near the Touch A Life Care Center.

Photographer Nancy Borowick followed a group of our students through their school day and offers us all a glimpse into the true freedom of education.


This series is the second part of our education photo series. View the first half here.



Collins begins his classwork.



Mary stays focused among her classmates.



A lesson in renewable natural resources.



The detailed notes of a dedicated student.



Benjamin focuses on his school work.



Baba takes notes during a lecture in his junior high class.





Johnannes reads from his textbook during a lecture.



Raul smiles during a break in the school day.



Comfort soaks in a new chapter of her textbook.



Felix takes notes on a new subject.



Benedicta enjoys a moment of fresh air between classes.



Ma Paulina, a Touch A Life house mother, checks in on the students during a mid-day break.



Mary looks up from her studies during an afternoon lecture.




William stays focused on his instructor at the end of the school day.

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