The Touch A Life Care Center in Kumasi, Ghana, is home to over 100 children who have been rescued from forced labor and exploitation.
In 2012, Touch A Life completed the first phase of our long-term rehabilitative care center for trafficked children. This facility is the only one of its kind in West Africa and, thanks to our generous supporters, is home to 80 beautiful children who have been rescued out of slavery. It truly is a dream come true for them to have a home of their own.
In 2015 we completed the second phase of construction, our fifth children’s dorm, Zachary’s House, which broke ground in early 2015. Zachary’s House is now home to 14 young girls who were rescued and brought to Touch A Life in the fall of 2015.
Each structure on our Care Center campus stands in honor of a life. The Touch A Life Legacy Partners have helped fund individual structures which are named for a child or close friend who is now gone. Each life is remembered with joy and each building creates a safe haven for survivors of child exploitation to begin their lives again.
In order to provide transition from the Care Center to independent adulthood, Touch A Life has launched Life Academy in Accra, Ghana.